lundi 22 avril 2013

Strawberry and Peach Crumble

"There were peaches in there?"

So, this recipe might not qualify as too healthy, but Crumble is still a dessert that I love, but somehow forget about it until I eat it and remember how amazing it is.  

We found some strawberries on sale which were about to expire, and had some canned peaches in the house, so I decided to whip this up.  Again, this is another really simple recipe that I thought would be much more difficult.  

I got the basics for this recipe from The Guardian, a British newspaper (which is also cited in a bunch of my classes to prepare for my big exam, but that's getting a little off topic).  The article gives a whole bunch of precisions, different ways to make crumble, the effects of freezing the dough etc., different kinds of flour and sugar, but we're not that complicated here.  You should go check it out though.

A good thing about crumble: you can use pretty much any fruit you want.  I know the most common kind is apple, but my mom makes a killer blueberry crumble.  A red-fruit mix might be awesome as well!  You can also use frozen fruits or canned fruits, as long as they're thawed out/drained, which is nice, because you can buy canned or frozen fruits (and veggies!) for much cheaper and in general there's more, so you can make a bunch of stuff with it!


This recipe is vegetarian: yes!
This recipe is vegan: no

Serves: 6
Calories per serving: 343


What you'll need:

- 900g - 1kg of fruit (about 1/2 a pound)
- 150g (1 C) All purpose flour
- 25g (1/8 C) Ground Hazelnut  (optional)
- 25g (1/8 C) Ground Almond (optional)
- 70 g (1/4 C) Sugar
- 125g (1 stick) butter , chilled.
- A handfull of oats or nuts (optional)

Let's get cooking!

-Pre-heat your oven to 200C (400F)

- Put your butter, flour and sugar in a blender (if you don't have one, which is my case, use your hands or a fork) and pulse until it's all incorporated, but looks like large breadcrumbs.  Put this batter in the fridge or freezer (if the butter got really melted during the process, put in the freezer.  If not, the fridge is fine).

- Cut your fruit and place in a shallow cooking pan (this gives a good fruit to topping ratio, but you can probably cook this in a deeper pan as well).  In the article where I got this recipe, they sprinkle more sugar on top of the fruit, but I decided not to.

Here's my strawberry, peach mix.

- Take the dough out of the fridge (or freezer) and sprinkle on top of the fruit.  Don't pat down.  My crumbs were more chunks, and the butter got really soft, so they ended up freezing together in the freezer, but you can break them up with your hands and spread them out over the fruit, and it all turns out the same.

- Cook in the oven for about 30 minutes, or until the top is a golden brown color and the fruit juices are bubbling.


Donc, cette recette ne se qualifie pas comme super saine, mais le crumble est un déssert que j'adore.  Je l'adore autant plus car j'oublie souvent qu'il existe, et quand je le retrouve, je l'aime encore plus!

Au marché on a trouvé des fraises et on avait des pêches en boite, et voilà la naissance de ce crumble!  C'est une recette super facile.

J'ai trouvé les bases de cette recette dans un article de The Guardian, un journal britannique.  Pur ceux qui lisent bien l'anglais, ce lien peut apporter des précisions sur les futures recettes, et les differences dans les ingrédiants et leur apport au goût.  Moi, je suis assez pas une personne aussi compliquée que ça.

Quelque chose que j'aprecie avec le crumble est que tu peux utiliser n'importe quel fruit.  Le plus commun est à la pomme, mais ma mère en fait un superbe au myrtilles.  Je pense qu'un au fruits rouges sera pas mal aussi.  Tu peux utiliser également les fruits en boite et les fruits congelés, si tu les a suffisamment égouté ou décongelé.  

Tu auras besoin de:

- 900g - 1kg de fruit 
- 150g de farine
- 25g poudre de noisette  (optional)
- 25g poudre d'amande (optional)
- 70 g sucre
- 125g beurre froid
- Une poignée de noix (optionnel)


-Pré-chauffer le four à 200C pendant 10 minutes.

- Mets le beurre, farine et sucre dans un mixeur (si tu en as un, sinon, utilise tes mains ou une fourchette) et mélange jusqu'à ce qu'il ressemble des miettes de pain.  Mets dans le frigo ou congél. (si le beurre a beaucoup fondu, mets le dans le congél, sinon, le frigo marche parfaitement bien).

- Coupe les fruits et mets les dans un bol en céramique peu profond.  Tu peux aussi mettre quelques pincées de sucre sur les fruits si tu veux. Personnellement, je ne l'ai pas fait.

Voici ma mélange de fraises et pêches!

- Sortir le bol avec la mélange farine sucre du frigo ou congél et saupoudrer sur les fruits.  

- Mets au four pendent 30 minutes, ou jusqu'à ce qu'il soit doré.  

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